

Lead Author(s): 

Gunnar Andersson, MD, PhD

Supporting Author(s): 

Sylvia I. Watkins-Castillo, PhD

Persons hospitalized for cervical/neck pain in 2010 and 2011 spent an average of 4.5 days in the hospital. Those hospitalized for cervical/neck injuries were hospitalized for the longest period of time, on average 8 to 9 days. When comparing total days of hospitalization for all causes to those for cervical/neck pain, cervical/neck pain constitutes 1% to 2% of the discharges and of total hospital days, indicating hospital stays are, on average, similar to those for all causes. The length of hospital stays has remained relatively stable since 2004. (Reference Table 2.9.1 PDF CSV)

Although females are likely to have slightly shorter hospital stays for all cause of cervical/neck pain, it is only for neck injuries that a real difference is seen in length of stay.

Age is a greater factor in length of stay than gender. Although young persons under the age of 18 years constitute a small proportion of back pain hospitalizations, they have longer stays for cervical/neck pain, in particular when compared to the average length of stay for any reason. While the average length of stay for cervical/neck pain is very similar to that for any health care reason among adults, the average length of stay among the young group under age 18 years is 1.5 to 2 times as long. After the age of 18 years, hospital stays for cervical/neck pain tends to increase as the population ages. (Reference Table 2.9.2 PDF CSV and Table 2.9.3 PDF CSV)

Average hospital charges are provided along with length of stay in the HCUP NIS database. On average, hospital charges for a cervical/neck pain inpatient visit were 147% that of the average inpatient visit for any cause. In 2011, an estimated $34.3 million in charges were assessed against the 660,000 inpatient stays for cervical/neck pain, 3% of the estimated total $1.37 billion in hospital charges for that year. Mean charges of $83,300 were highest for neck injuries and, at $47,800, lowest for cervical/neck disorders. (Reference Table 2.9.2 PDF CSV)
Average Age of Patient for Cervical/Neck Pain Visit by Resource


  • 2014

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