Analysis includes all five digit codes within each three-digit category.
Trunk and Multiple Site Fractures
Fracture of rib(s), sternum, larynx, and trachea : 807
Fracture of pelvis : 808
Ill-defined fractures of bones of trunk : 809
Multiple fractures involving both upper limbs and upper limb with rib(s) and sternum : 819
Multiple fractures involving both lower limbs, lower with upper limb, and lower limb(s) with rib(s) and sternum : 828
Fracture of unspecified bones : 829
Upper Limb Fractures
Fracture of clavicle : 810
Fracture of scapula : 811
Fracture of humerus : 812
Fracture of radius and ulna : 813
Fracture of carpal bone(s) : 814
Fracture of metacarpal bone(s) : 815
Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand : 816
Multiple fractures of hand bones : 817
Ill-defined fractures of upper limb : 818
Multiple fractures involving both upper limbs and upper limb with rib(s) and sternum : 819
Lower Limb Fractures
Fracture of neck of femur : 820
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of femur : 821
Fracture of patella : 822
Fracture of tibia and fibula : 823
Fracture of ankle : 824
Fracture of one or more tarsal and metatarsal bones : 825
Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot : 826
Other multiple and ill‐defined fractures of lower limb : 827
Internal derangement of knee : 717
Other derangement of joint : 718
Upper Limb Dislocation
Dislocation of shoulder : 831
Dislocation of elbow : 832
Dislocation of wrist : 833
Dislocation of finger : 834
Lower Limb Dislocation
Dislocation of hip : 835
Dislocation of knee : 836
Dislocation of ankle : 837
Dislocation of foot :838
Other Site Dislocation
Other multiple and ill-defined dislocations : 839
Upper Limb Sprains/Strains
Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm : 840
Sprains and strains of elbow and forearm : 841
Sprains and strains of wrist and hand : 842
Lower Limb Sprains/Strains
Sprains and strains of hip and thigh : 843
Sprains and strains of knee and leg : 844
Sprains and strains of ankle and foot : 845
Back and Spine Sprains/Strains (also included in Spine Chapter)
Sprains and strains of sacroiliac region : 846
Sprains and strains of other and unspecified parts of back : 847
Other Site Sprains/Strains
Other and ill-defined sprains and strains : 848
Contusion of trunk : 922
Contusion of upper limb : 923
Contusion of lower limb and of other and unspecified sites : 924
Crushing Injuries
Crushing injury of trunk : 926
Crushing injury of upper limb : 927
Crushing injury of lower limb : 928
Crushing injury of multiple and unspecified sites : 929
Open Wound
Open Wound of Trunk and Chest
Open wound of neck : 874
Open wound of chest (wall) : 875
Open wound of back : 876
Open wound of buttock : 877
Open wound of other and unspecified sites except limbs : 879
Open Wound of Upper Limb
Open wound of shoulder and upper arm : 880
Open wound of elbow forearm and wrist : 881
Open wound of hand except finger(s) alone : 882
Open wound of finger(s) : 883
Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb : 884
Open Wound of Lower Limb
Open wound of hip and thigh : 890
Open wound of knee leg (except thigh) and ankle : 891
Open wound of foot except toe(s) alone : 892
Open wound of toe(s) : 893
Multiple and unspecified open wound of lower limb : 894
Traumatic Amputation
Traumatic Amputation of Upper Limb
Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete) (partial) : 885
Traumatic amputation of other finger(s) (complete) (partial) : 886
Traumatic amputation of arm and hand (complete) (partial) : 887
Traumatic Amputation of Lower Limb
Traumatic amputation of toe(s) (complete) (partial) : 895
Traumatic amputation of foot (complete) (partial) : 896
Traumatic amputation of leg(s) (complete) (partial) : 897
Late Effect of Injury
Injury to other nerve(s) of trunk excluding shoulder and pelvic girdles : 954
Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of shoulder girdle and upper limb : 955
Injury to peripheral nerve(s) of pelvic girdle and lower limb : 956
Injury to other and unspecified nerves : 957
Injury other and unspecified : 959
- 2014