Hospital Charges

Children & Adolescents Syndromes

Lead Author(s): 

Scott B. Rosenfeld, MD

Supporting Author(s): 

Sylvia I. Watkins-Castillo, PhD

Total charges averaged $75,100 for a mean 8.1-day stay when children and adolescents were hospitalized with a diagnosis of a syndrome with musculoskeletal implications condition along with other medical conditions. With a primary syndrome diagnosis, the stay was slightly longer (8.7 days), and mean charges were higher at $100,800. Mean charges and length of stay were highest for the youngest patients, those under 1 year of age. Total hospital charges for primary syndrome with musculoskeletal implications discharges in 2012 were $60.5 million. (Reference Table 7.6 PDF CSV)

Total Hospital Charges for Children and Adolescents Age 20 and Under with Syndrome with MSK Implications Diagnosis, by Sex and Age, United States 2012


  • 2014

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